Monday, March 1, 2010

faith and fitness?

It's amazing how the Lord puts ideas into your mind at the strangest times! So I was working out the other day and this is what the Lord put on my mind. Now, I am aware that not everyone knows about fitness and how exercise works, so let me give you the short version. If one wants to increase muscle and have less fat, you must work out that muscle. Now, for example, your muscles can only grow so much without working out its opposition. Your biceps are only going to go as far as you take your triceps, your chest is only going to go as far as you take your back, etc. I think you get the idea here. Last but not least, you have nothing if you have no core body strength, that is the center of the body. Well my friends, the same basic principles of fitness go with faith. You can read and study the Bible as much as you want, but it is only going to get you so far unless you have obediance. Your "talk" can only go so far without the "walk." You cannot get to step two without doing step one first. First, you must accept Jesus into your heart. Then you follow that by going public with your relationship with Him by being baptized. Then comes the walk of obediance. Without core strength, your body will beome unbalanced; so goes without obediance, your walk with Christ will become unbalanced. It would be like walking one hundred feet high in the air on a small piece of string, impossible to do. Obediance and core strenth in faith are obtained through simple acts of tithing, serving, spreading the word to the lost, etc. As my pastor said this past weekend, "your walk and talk must coalesce.".....Father God, my prayer is that we all learn to strengthen our core faith so that we can walk with you in a way that pleases You. I ptay that we are able to reach those who do not know you. This world is Your toolbox and we are Your tools Father. I pray these things in Jesus' Name, Amen.