Monday, January 18, 2010

Is being a good person good enough?

Many times people have argued that Jesus won't send them to hell because they have tried to be a good enough person in life. I have never hurt anyone, or I have always helped those in need, or I do not believe that God is a God that would send someone like me to hell. Doing good deeds are great and the Bible speaks of how doing good deeds to someone is as if you did them for Jesus Himself. Jesus also says this, "For it is by grace you have been saved, though faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast" 2 Ephesians:8-9. We can do all the greatest, humanly things imaginable, but it is the relationship with Christ that saves us. "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God" John 3:17-18. So no, God does not send us to hell, we do. If we choose to live a life separate from God, then so shall we live out our eternal life the same way, separate from God and his love. We all die and go through judgment, the punishment is where it differs for a lot of people. I can't possibly fathom God sending His Son to be brutally tortured, criticized, and ultimately, crucified on a blood-stained cross just so that we may go to heaven for just being a good person. And believe me, I know that there are many, many Christians out there that are just being "good enough" and thinking that is good enough to get by! God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die in order to forgive us of our sins. All he asks for in return is a relationship with Him. You may be asking how do I enter into a relationship with Him. It's simple. You can begin right now. With all that you are, tell Him that you know that you are a sinner. Tell Him that you won't to let go of the burdens your carry and that you cannot do it without Him. Ask that He come into your heart and take over your life so that you may no longer be separated and so that you may spend every waking second together for an eternity. If you just said that, please, feel free to call me or e-mail me and we can talk about the next step and what this means. With God in your heart, there is nothing you cannot do and there is no mountain you cannot move........Father, our prayer is that whoever is apart from you reads Your message and takes it to heart, and whoever accepts Your love will go out and saves the lives of others. Make us "fishers of men." We pray this in Your Sons' Holy Name.......Amen.

Many reasons poeple say they choose to not be Christians is because of Christians themselves. I cannot speak for anyone else but me, their choices are between them and God. We are not the Judge, the Creator is!


  1. I'm proud of you Bro! You're doing a great job! Keep it up!

  2. I love this post. very good word, Derek. It is SO true, being good is not good enough, infact, the more we live the more we realize we CANT be good on our own. Our very nature is sinful. The ONLY good that comes from me, is from God alone. As a wife and mom to three young kids, I fail everyday, i feel defeated, I am scare of screwing everyone up. However, I know that is right where God wants me, at the point where I realize that I can't do this without Him, and that is freeing. I am all over the place. I enjoy reading your posts, keep it up. May the Lord use you mightily for Him! Press on.

  3. @Cory:my man. @Linda:beautifully said woman! Thank you both.
